April 20, 2024

Horoscopes for September 2-8, 2012

CAPRICORN (January 19 – February 16)

This month, try not to worry too much if people around you are confused or even unwilling to help. Remember, after all, they are just family and close friends.

AQUARIUS (February 16 – March 11)

Whether you’re looking for a partner of some sort or just somebody who ‘gets it,’ this month is a good time to scout. Of course, you probably still won’t “get it.”

PISCES (March 20 – April 18)

Sometimes you feel like you’re freer than the wind, riding high on great ideas and executing plans like there’s nothing to it. Not this month, it’s like quicksand, baby.

ARIES (April 18 – May 13)

You’ll sail smoothly to the harbor of your choice and tie up at your slip. then, someone else’s anchor comes crashing through your boat. Wait, that was in a movie.

TAURUS (May 13 – June21)

By the oh-so-extremely romantic month of September, you will be totally blown away by an incredible someone. Ain’t that grand? Sorry, that’s totally blown off.

GEMINI (June 21 – July 20)

You will learn that communication is about more than just talking and listening — it requires understanding. As if talking and listening weren’t enough. Geez!

CANCER (July 20 – August 10)

While others might discuss the latest blockbuster this weekend, you’ll be the person in the room who will delve into philosophical matters…talking to the walls.

LEO (August 10 – September 16)

You will feel somewhat irritated by the news this month, even though it doesn’t have all that much to do with you. You are the best armchair opiner around.

VIRGO (September 16 – October 30)

Getting tired of putting a lot of effort into a relationship with a person who isn’t giving you much in return? Now is definitely the right time to adopt a pet fish.

LIBRA (October 30 – November 23)

This month you will realize there is some clutter in your life that simply must go. Start slowly, don’t overexert yourself. Try just making an isle to walk through.

SCORPIO (November 23 – November 29)

That itchy feeling you will get may be work-related rather than dermatological. Of course, it really depends on the location. Don’t be making rash decisions now.

OPHIUCHUS (November 29 – December 17)

As this special month gets started, you’ll fly like a bird! You’ll soar like a plane! You’ll coast! You’ll dip! You’ll swoosh! Then the landing comes. You’ll crash!

SAGITTARIUS (December 17 – January 20)

Frustrated that things aren’t progressing faster at work, you’ll take five, get outside, walk around, get splashed by a passing car and have a meltdown. Sorry.


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