April 25, 2024

Reports on Hospitality Hauntings

Q: I live in Louisiana. Recently, I have read where some of our state’s bed and breakfasts are haunted. As if we haven’t had our fair share of disturbing news in the past few years, I am left to wonder if now our tourist industry may suffer from this latest tidbit. Any reports on hospitality hauntings? A: Near Sedona, in Jerome, there is the Jerome Grand Hotel. While not a bed and breakfast, it is haunted. Business is booming. Perhaps their ghosts help bring in visitors. Rumor is many of the apparitions are prostitutes.   Q: On a stretch of…

Time Travel Easier with Peyote

Q: I am interested in time travel. I have yet to experience going forward or back in time personally, but I have read the late Carlos Castaneda wrote that the sorcerer Don Juan Matus believed in the existence of an area best described as a “crevasse between realities” in which the material world imperceptibly gives way to the spirit world and other dimensions. Do you know any time travelers? A: I overheard a guy at a diner telling someone that he had been missing a couple of days. I usually attribute that to alcohol blackouts. Remember, the people in Castaneda’s…