May 5, 2024

Day Care Disciplinary Practices

Excentric World staff members take a look at questionable day care disciplinary practices. Parents have been complaining about the inordinate amount of duct tape adhesive having to be removed from their children’s clothing. This picture was taken by one of the other children using their new iPhone. The day care worker explained that the child taped to the wall was being given a “time-out.”

Due to a shortage of personnel, and the Criss Angel-like ability to escape from the usual time-out, the child had to be taped to the wall. The employee said it made it easy to keep an eye on her while freeing her to attend to the needs of others. “While most children behave well most of the time, some of our more challenging little darlings, many with ADHD, as well as those with parents lacking parenting skills, force us to create alternative means of control and restraint,” the headmaster stated.

At first, Child Protective Services was concerned for the children’s safety, but after close scrutiny, it was determined that the “time-out” methods were safe, and quite effective. Some were anxious to try them on their own children. Others called their brokers to invest in duct tape.

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