May 3, 2024

Suspicious & Discombobulated

Dear Frankly,

I joined a religious match online dating service to find someone who shares my values and build a future with. If you thought it was tough meeting people in bars, try being a person who doesn’t go to bars. I found a great guy and we had been dating each other only for a couple of months when a friend told me she saw his name still on the dating site. When approached, he said it was their error. Can I trust him?

Suspicious Sarah

Dear Suspicious,

I found three of my husbands in bars. Or should I say they found me. Look, if you’re relying on computers for proof of love, you might want to consider starting to drink or at least reevaluate your values. Nobody’s perfect and there are few men left in the Mr. Right group.

Dear Frankly,

I am in my mid-twenties and met a friend of my younger sister that I found witty, smart and mature beyond her 19 years. She has a sister closer to my age who is beautiful, but not as bright. I asked the older sister out and she brushed me off. When I asked the other out, she told me her dad said I was too old for her and forbade her from seeing me. I don’t date much and am socially awkward. I think I like this girl. What should I do?

Discombobulated Denny

Dear Discombobulated,

I was ten years older than my fourth husband, but I married him for his body. I suspect the young woman’s dad is thinking the same way. It seems like you spend too much time hanging out with your sister. If you can’t stand the rejection, better get out of the Easy Bake Kitchen.

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