May 5, 2024

Dreaming about Ex

Dear Frankly,

After an 8 year long relationship, my husband and I got a divorce. I tried giving him his space, thinking he would realize I was the one for him. He is now with one of my “close friends,” and will soon be having a baby. We didn’t have any children because we felt we weren’t ready for them yet. I have since moved away in the two years we’ve been apart. I’ve done everything I could think of to get over him, but every night I still see him in my dreams. How do I move on and stop thinking of him?

Lost at Love

Dear Lost At,

It’s hard for people to admit they made a mistake, especially when it comes to relationships. I recall it took a while to admit I had made a mistake marrying my fifth husband. I was in denial for what seemed like weeks.

Dear Frankly,

I am trying to heal from a very bad break-up that happened a month ago. I completely trusted my boyfriend of three years and believed him when he swore his undying love for me and led me to believe I was the only one. His cheating had been going on for a long time before I found out. I feel so foolish. I don’t ever want to fall for a dishonest person again. How can you spot an accomplished liar? What are the warning signs?

Doubting Dater

Dear Doubting,

Ask yourself why he may have strayed. Usually it’s because the guy was a hound from the beginning. Therefore, you ignored the signs of infidelity to keep your “bad boy.” Take your next boyfriend to dinner at “Hooters.” If he pays attention to only you, he’ll be loyal or he’s gay.


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