May 7, 2024

Do I Wait for Mr. Right?

Dear Frankly,

I’ve been dating this guy for a few months now. He’s a “nice” guy. He treats me well and we have some of the same interests, pursuits, etc. I just don’t feel a real strong chemistry. He’s attractive, but it’s not WOW. I’m hesitant to move very fast, even though he has clearly expressed his interest in our becoming more serious. How do I know if this is the guy? If I’m unsure, am I not just settling? What if I take it to the next level and then Mr. Right comes along?

Baffled Bernice

Dear Baffled,

I thought my fourth husband was Mr. Right. Wrong! You just have to get what you can out of every relationship you encounter. If I hadn’t pursued my fourth husband, I would have never met my fifth. Things have a way of working out.

Dear Frankly,

I met a woman who is the polar opposite of me regarding almost every topic, religion, politics, the environment, sports–you name it, we have nothing in common. But, you know how they say opposites attract? Well, we are definitely physically attracted to each other. Do you think it is possible for opposites to maintain a good, satisfying and healthy relationship for a very long time? Or, as my closest friend suggests, should we keep our distance?

Concerned Chris

Dear Concerned,

I say go for it. Usually, when two people are as intensely converse as you two obviously are sparks fly in the bedroom, and the living room, and the kitchen. At least they did with my third husband. Though the marriage didn’t last, he sure did!


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