May 3, 2024

Horoscopes for December 16-22, 2012

CAPRICORN (January 19 – February 16)

You’re an activator, an instigator, maybe even an agitator trying to convince a certain someone that your way’s the best way. Unfortunately, they’re not buying it.

AQUARIUS (February 16 – March 11)

You’re hoping to celebrate as you work to expand your mind. Sadly, your waistline is expanding at a more rapid rate, holding your mind hostage on the couch.

PISCES (March 20 – April 18)

Your hopes and desires come into play this December — and the stars favor a risk. Stand under the mistletoe at work until someone comes along who will kiss you.

ARIES (April 18 – May 13)

Do your absolute best to keep it together in the face of adversity or annoyance this month. Your company will have to leave eventually and you can start a new year.

TAURUS (May 13 – June21)

This holiday season finds you in for a whole lot of love and maybe even more than a little romance. It also finds you having to do a lot of explaining to your mate.

GEMINI (June 21 – July 20)

Just because you are slow by nature does not mean that you are unresponsive. It means you are slow and by the time you respond, whatever is usually over with.

CANCER (July 20 – August 10)

This month romance is knocking on your door and you’ll be answering, wearing your cutest PJs. Whoops, it’s that pesky Jehova’s Witness trying to save you.

LEO (August 10 – September 16)

Your honey wants to go cross-country skiing or scuba diving or enter a triathalon. Now may be a good time to go online in search of that fellow couch potato.

VIRGO (September 16 – October 30)

Communication is the key to any successful relationship. But, in today’s high-tech social networking and sexting days, you just happen to be all thumbs.

LIBRA (October 30 – November 23)

A friend who started a new relationship with you has gone missing. Before you get all indignant, put yourself in their shoes. If they fit, keep them. That’ll show ’em.

SCORPIO (November 23 – November 29)

‘Tis the season and for no reason here comes Cupid and he ain’t stupid. Hey, that rhymes. But what about jolly old Saint Nick and sugar plum fairies and Rudolph?

OPHIUCHUS (November 29 – December 17)

It’s winter and time to cozy up around the fireplace. Careful – your emotions are like a box of kindling this month, so you better to stay away from an old flame.

SAGITTARIUS (December 17 – January 20)

This month, your kind-hearted side is out in the open, and that means you need to make life a little sweeter for someone. It’s best if it is someone you know.

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