May 5, 2024

Librarian’s Ghost Still Awaits Her Lover

Q: I am curious about the ghost at the Landmark Inn in Lake Superior, Michigan. Legend has it that around the time the hotel first opened in 1930 on the shores of Lake Superior, a librarian in town fell in love with a sailor. He was to make one last journey before coming home to marry her, but the ship and crew never returned. The librarian is said to still haunt the Lilac Room, which has a view of Lake Superior. She is believed to be watching for her sailor’s return. Do you think the librarian’s ghost still awaits her lover?

A: I would have thought that with Michigan’s recent economic woes that the librarian would have moved on by now. Maybe she’s still hanging around to see if her vote will count.


Q: I have recently heard about Demonolatry: The worship of demons and/or practicing magic with the aid of entities known as demons. Modern Demonolatry is said to be a polytheistic religion in which demonic entities are worshiped and worked with as wise divinities. Each demon is the wellspring of a single energy source. These energies can be defined as universal elements, emotions or ideas. They hold in high regard Roman, Greek and pre-Christian pagans. How does this differ with mainstream religions?

A: There is a reason practitioners of Demonolatry don’t believe in hell.


Q: Every year brings hundreds of new sightings of Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, in North America. Yet despite active hunts with some pretty high tech equipment, we have so far failed to capture one or even get good photographic evidence. Why? How has Bigfoot managed to outwit us? Perhaps there’s a very good reason why this creature has been able to thwart our best efforts to find him. Do you think Bigfoot is simply smarter than we are?

A: Could be. Or, it could be it doesn’t exist without the aid of hallucinogens.


Q: What does a female Bigfoot look like?

A: I would imagine it looks like a Bigfoot with big boobs.


Q: Even though they are among the best known structures on Earth, the pyramids of Egypt may still hold surprises. This spring, an MIT class is testing a controversial theory that some of the giant blocks that make up the great pyramids of Giza may have been cast in place from concrete, rather than quarried and moved into position. Could this be?

A: I would say that this new theory isn’t yet cast in stone.


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