May 5, 2024


BUSINESS NEWS: The value of Taser Company stock has been lost because of increasingly negative news coverage of the Taser gun, which uses 50,000 volts to stun its victims. There has been a heavy focus on incidents where suspects died after the gun was used on them. Taser contracted pathologist, Dr. Cyril Wecht, to review the cases and issue an independent opinion that other factors, such as drugs, caused the 40 so-called in-custody Taser-caused deaths.

ALTERNATIVE REMEDIES NEWS: A new Excentric survey of adult Americans found that 36% of us use some kind of alternative or complementary therapy. The number jumps to 62% when prayer is included.

JOBS INCREASES NEWS: The latest report from the U. S. Department of Commerce shows that manufacturing jobs in America are on the increase. The report points out that when an employee of a fast food chain takes raw materials, such as meat, fish, vegetables, and turns them into a finished product like a sandwich, they must be considered to be performing manufacturing jobs.

EXTREME DIET NEWS: A man who once weighed more than half a ton has lost 321 pounds under the care of doctors and hopes to lose 450 pounds more. Patrick Duel, 42, of Valentine, Nebraska, weighed 1,072 pounds when he was admitted to Sioux Falls’ Avera McKennan Hospital eight weeks ago. Subway sandwich shops is looking for a new sponsor and hopes to use Duel whenever he is able to actually fit into one of their shops.

GENETICS NEWS: Procrastinating monkeys were turned into workaholics using a gene treatment to block a key brain compound, researchers report. Blocking cells from receiving dopamine made the monkeys work harder and they were better at it, the U.S. government researchers found. Though dopamine’s release in the brain is possibly the determinant of pleasure, blocking it in humans may lead to a more productive, albeit depressed, American workforce.

FETISH NEWS: Toe-licking could become a criminal offense in the Netherlands after a man who licked the toes of several women in Amsterdam was released by police without charges. Because there is no formal law describing the offense, the culprit has only been given a tongue lashing.

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